Success is Inspirational 2



Like I wrote before, when we succeed at any task, it really does motivate us to take on more and more challenging tasks!

Success whether small or significant has this pleasant side-effect of making us feel good about ourselves and primes us for taking on more challenges or getting on with the tasks at hand.

My own experience of a small success motivating me to better efforts came last week, when I labelled the contents of my spice jars and arranged them neatly. A seemingly mundane task, I cannot express the feeling of pure happiness that came to me when I finished, this despite the fact that I had started the task in a very lack-lustre fashion, the remnants of the inspiration I derived from reading Marla Cilley’s great book “Sink Reflections”.

Organising spice jars


I am one of those people who are bursting with enthusiasm at the start of a new task or project, a person who ‘bites off more than she can possibly chew’ ( a wry reflection by my saintly Mother, God Bless her!) …….. and like all the multitudes whose enthusiasm wanes after a while, mine does do and then I have to push myself to at least finish the thing! Like my New Year resolution to go for a walk everyday, got diluted into ‘Go for a walk at least five times a week’ and then to ‘Go for a walk at least thrice weekly’, eventually dwindling to going for a walk whenever I felt like it, which is really not that often……!


Going for a walk

So the small wins ensure that I don’t abandon a project.

For people who lose focus or who are involved in multiple projects, the small wins are a shot in the arm, boosting their morale and spurring them on, especially when they get disheartened….! That is why success is so motivational.

Let us celebrate our wins, small or big, give ourselves that moment of self-appreciation, before we soldier on!